Weather on the Big Island of Hawaii

Seasonal Temperatures

Puako, Hawaii climate is warm during summer when temperatures tend to be 75-85 degrees and warm during winter when temperatures tend to be in the mid-70's.

big island hawaiiThe warmest month of the year is August with an average maximum temperature of 84.70 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is January with an average minimmum temperature of 64.00 degrees Fahreineit. Usually at night.

Temperature variations between night and day tend to be fairly limited during summer with a difference that can reach 14 degrees Fahrenheit, and fairly limited during winter with an average difference of 15 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Average Annual Rainfall

The annual average precipitation at Puako is 11.17 Inches. The Big Island experiences a wet season from November to March, with a higher chance of rain during these months. Rainfall in is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year. The wettest month of the year is December with an average rainfall of 1.94 Inches. However, even during the wet season, rain showers are usually brief, and the sun tends to come out again during the day.

Weather on the Western Side of the Big Island

It's important to note that the western side of the Big Island is in the rain shadow of the island's tall volcanic peaks, such as Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa. Because of this, there is significantly lower rainfall compared to other parts of the island. As a result, the West coast tends to be much drier than the eastern side and is typically not as impacted by big storms.

northern hawaii

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